Category: Queen’s Park and Charminster

  • Cyril Park: Wildflower Meadow Funding Secured

    Cyril Park: Wildflower Meadow Funding Secured

    🥳 Tom, Chris and I are so pleased to have been successful in our bid for council money for a new wildflower meadow in Cyril Park. 🌹 It was only a few months into being a Cllr when we worked with Tom, the vicar at St Andrew’s, to put the bid in. There’d been a…

  • Mitigating Charminster Library Cutbacks

    Mitigating Charminster Library Cutbacks

    As part of the council’s budget for 2024-25, the libraries service has to cut spending by £500,000. This is really unfortunate, as I believe that libraries are a very important community space and council service, representing warmth, learning, and opportunity throughout BCP. Sadly, Charminster Library isn’t insulated from these cuts, and one of the main…

  • Kings Park Nursery Closure

    Kings Park Nursery Closure

    We were dismayed to read this news yesterday when a resident shared it on a local group chat. I was even more dismayed that this was the first I’d heard of it. I promised to follow up on this at council last night and so, as a group, we asked questions about it and made…

  • Charging Point Fairness

    Charging Point Fairness

    Each day, more and more people switch to electric vehicles, for cheaper running costs, cleaner air, and a healthier planet. Councillor Sharon Carr-Brown and Chris Talman are keen for everyone to be able to make this transition, but we’re concerned that BCP Council’s latest Public Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy (PEVIS) falls short of one of…

  • Cleaning Up the Queen’s Park to Holdenhurst Road Underpass

    Cleaning Up the Queen’s Park to Holdenhurst Road Underpass

    A couple of weeks ago the underpass from Queen’s Park to Holdenhurst Rd near the football ground was flooded. I’ve told the Council and they’re assessing it. Today, fellow Labour Cllr Anne-Marie Moriarty and I took matters into our own hands and swept it clear of broken glass, litter and pine needles. We’ll keep doing…

  • Cyril Park: Community Engagement

    Cyril Park: Community Engagement

    Chris and I had a cracking afternoon on Sunday talking to residents about what they’d like to see in Cyril Park’s future. Voting by pine cone is now a thing and lots of ideas were shared. 🙂 Thank you to everyone who came along and to those of you who’ve responded online. It all goes…

  • Sharon Meets Park School’s Headteacher

    Sharon Meets Park School’s Headteacher

    It was lovely to meet Park School’s headteacher, Mrs Dowler, yesterday. We had a wide-ranging discussion about traffic congestion, parking, noise, litter, community links and the school’s future plans. The school is a longstanding feature of the Queen’s Park area and it was great to start working with her so positively.

  • Cyril Park: Sharon and Chris Meet BCP Greenspaces Lead

    Cyril Park: Sharon and Chris Meet BCP Greenspaces Lead

    Chris and I had a really useful meeting with Martin Whitchurch, Lead for Greenspaces at BCP and the man to talk to about what can be done to revamp Cyril Park. So many people have told us how they want this area to be better – the play equipment fixed, the grassy areas looked after…

  • Cyril Park: Sharon and Chris Meet Parks Team

    Cyril Park: Sharon and Chris Meet Parks Team

    Sharon and Chris had an incredibly productive meeting with Chris and Steve from BCP Parks today. We discussed: 🌾 Raised residents’ concerns over overgrowth, fly tipping and the condition of the play equipment. ✂ Identified areas where extra mowing is needed around the edge and the perimeters of the meadows. 🌻 Explored how the meadows…

  • Sharon meets with Neighbourhood Policing Team

    Sharon meets with Neighbourhood Policing Team

    Thanks to the Neighbourhood Police Team for an incredibly productive meeting this afternoon. Working with my fellow ward councillor, Alasdair, we discussed how we can improve community engagement to ensure crime gets reported and acted on. We highlighted drug dealing and car crime as particular problems locally.