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Queen’s Park
Queen’s Park, and Bournemouth more widely, has a serious pollution problem.
Many homes, bordered by busy roads like the Wessex Way, Charminster and Richmond Park Roads, are subject to significant air pollution, breaching three World Health Organization limits on dangerous pollutants, such as inhalable particulates and nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
They can cause asthma and bronchitis, contribute to cancer, reduce lung development, and increase risk of mortality.
5% of all deaths in the BCP area have been attributed to air pollution.
And on top of this, our rivers and coastline have been polluted by sewage, with the Conservatives opposing measures to end this problem.
Your Labour candidates Sharon Carr-Brown and Christopher Talman are championing these issues and lobbying for greater powers to end the dangerous pollution of our rivers, sea and beaches.
As your Councillors, Sharon and Christopher would use their power and position to advocate for better monitoring and measures to address the problem, including improved public transport, making more amenities available within walking distance, and making it easier to use electric vehicles around town.